Monday, February 20, 2012

Pregnancy Pictures!

Week 5 - Jason and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary in Newport RI.  
Week 6 - This was the first week of nausea around the clock. 

Week 7

Week 8 - Here is Jason's family's reaction to our big news.  I took a picture of all of them and said "Everyone say Jackie and Johnny are going to be grandparents!"
Week 9 - Here we are at a farm with Abby, Matt, and Ben.  It was a 90 degree day, complete with lots of flies.  I was not feeling too hot this day :(

Week 10

Week 11 - At my parents, celebrating my dad's 59th birthday!

Week 12 - Celebrating Maggie's 30th birthday! 
Week 13 - Adeline was born! Here we are in the hospital. 

Week 14 - Our first Halloween in our new house.  The baby is the size of a lemon this week.

Week 15 - baby C is the size of an apple

Week 16 - This is the first week I felt like myself again.  The past 10 weeks were very rough.  Here is Addie and I again! She was 3 weeks old. 

Week 17 - I went on a girl's weekend with my high school friends.  Courtney and I are both pregnant, and she is due a week after me! 

Week 18 - Thanksgiving at Aunt Kathy's
Week 19
Week 20 - This is the first week the belly is starting to show! Half way there!!

Week 21

Week 22 - Christmas Day 2011

Week 23 - Happy New Year 2011!

Week 24

Week 25

Week 26 - This is Baby C's nursery before Jason painted it.

Week 27 - This is the nursery after it has been painted.  We love the color!!

Week 28 - The Patriots lost the Superbowl :( 

Week 29 - The furniture is in and the nursery is painted!