Thursday, April 19, 2012

Last group of belly pictures!

Week 37 - Easter morning

Week 38 - Can't believe we only have two more weeks to go (hopefully)! We set up the swing and pack and play in the living room and are ready for baby Conetta's arrival! 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Our baby shower

My mom threw us a beautiful baby shower on March 30th! We were so blessed with many wonderful and generous gifts from friends and family.  It made us so excited for Baby Conetta's arrival!


High school friends...

Saint A's girls...

The four pregnant Sacred Heart girls! It's been so awesome going through pregnancy together.  We will soon be welcoming 2 boys, a girl, and a ? to our circle of friends! 

More Belly Pics!

Week 30 - This is our kitchen when it was gutted before being renovated.  It was a long process, but well worth it now that it is done! 
Week 31 - Here is the kitchen mid-way through...

Week 32 - Here are the Sacred Heart girls at Courtney's baby shower! 

Addie's Christening day! 

Week 33 - This week we took our childbirth class.  Courtney and are are due with our babies one week apart! 

Week 34

Week 35 - Only 5 weeks until we meet our little man!