Monday, October 29, 2012

Sweet Adeline Turns One!

Addie turned one on October 21st and we celebrated her birthday on Saturday! It was a beautiful fall day, and Jack enjoyed spending time with his cousins! 
Here is Addie and I one year ago when I met her for the first time! She was so tiny and precious.

Happy little ladybug!


Jack's First Halloween

With Halloween falling on a Wednesday this year, we decided to celebrate early by dressing Jack up in his costume this weekend.  Jack got special Halloween jammies, which he will actually wear on Halloween night when the trick or treaters come to our house.  We also borrowed a corn on the cob costume for Jack's first Halloween costume.  

Jack meets Caleb

My good friend Michelle had a baby boy on October 3rd! She is the 3rd one of my high school friends to have a baby boy on the 3rd of the month.  Jack was born May 3rd, Alex was born June 3rd, and now Caleb was born on October 3rd! Michelle and I have been very good friends since 4th grade, and we hope that our little guys will have a similar lifetime friendship!
Jack wanted to grab at poor Caleb's arm...Caleb did not enjoy this!

Jack was all smiles for his new buddy! These guys are exactly 3 months apart!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

My Little Pumpkin

Today we went to pick out our pumpkin!  It was a crisp fall day, and a beautiful day to spend time outside.  Jack was all smiles until a sheep at the nearby petting zoo let our a loud bray.  It startled Jack, and worked him up into hysterics. Daddy and Mommy had a good laugh!

Wine Making at Nonna's

It was a family affair on Columbus day as Nonna began the process of making her yearly wine.  Jack and mommy were not much help, but we still enjoyed watching! Jack loves watching and playing with his cousins too.  
Jack and sweet Emma

hard at work...

The wine making Jack and Mommy.

Nonna is taking a sample!

Nonna loves this little guy!

Frankie, Giovanni, and Jack

Week of October 1st to October 7th

Jack is 5 months old this week! Time sure is flying, and this little Crackerjack is growing and changing each week.  He loves to laugh and smile and tries to grab at EVERYTHING! Jack is such a curious baby, and his head is constantly moving so he can see everything that is going on around him.  When mommy and daddy did his measurements ourselves, he was 14.6 lbs and 25 3/4 inches long.  It's amazing to realize that in 5 months he has doubled his birth weight! We love this little boy!!!

Jack is fascinated with his feet and loves to chew on his piggies!

Loving belly time!