Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Videos to Enjoy

Above is a video Jason took of Jack carrying on a conversation in his jumperoo at the beginning of December!

We have discovered that Jack has quite a temper for a little baby.  He has started to clench his fists, tighten up his body, and cry when something is not going his way.  Oh boy, are we in trouble! 

Jack's First Christmas

We had a wonderful first Christmas together as a family of three! Both Christmas Eve and Christmas were busy visiting daddy and mommy's family.  Jack was lucky to get many gifts from Santa and family and has enjoyed playing with all his new toys over the past week.  Below are some pictures and video of the three days of family events!
Jack celebrated his first Christmas on the 23rd with lots of gifts from Nana, Papa, Uncle Nick,
 Uncle Jake, and Aunt Angelina.

Jack loves banging out a tune on his new piano!

Happy guy at Nonna's house on Christmas Eve.  Nonna gave Jack this Santa hat and Christmas bib.

Lots of hard work goes into preparing the Christmas Eve feast!

Santa came!

Daddy and Jack opening gifts together!

Handsome boy

This little guy drools non-stop and still no teeth!

The three of us on Christmas night at Grammy and Grandpa's house


Jack thinks Addie is awesome! 

SHHS babies!

We had another gathering with all of mommy's high school friends on December 15th.  It was a great afternoon of eating, catching up, laughing, and chasing babies.  Jack was happy to have a visit from Alex, Maddie, and Caleb.  At one point, we tried to take a picture of all 4 babies on the same chair and it was hysterical! One of the 4 was always either crying, falling over, or pulling on or sucking on the friend next to him or her.  We all got a good laugh trying to make this picture happen! All of us girls feel so lucky to have such a strong friendship, and we hope these guys will be just as close someday.

Jack loves to play sitting on a blanket with his toys.  Here is a video of what a typical play time looks like :)