Monday, December 31, 2012

Little Man Turns 7 months

Jack turned 7 months on December 3rd! We celebrated his 7 month birthday by decorating our house for Christmas.  Daddy and Jack got on the scale together, and Jack was 17 lbs 8 oz and was 26 1/4 inches long.  He enjoys playing on his blanket with toys, and laughing at mommy and daddy! Mommy is thankful that Jack is not crawling yet, and he still does not have any teeth.  

Jack is getting "selective" about eating food.  Some days he is interested in eating, while other days he refuses to eat.  He much more prefers fruits of any type to veggies.  From the start, he liked all foods except peas, which he gagged and choked on from the first encounter.  Lately, he has also been gagging on other veggies.  Below is a video of him gagging over green beans.

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

So, trying to take a simple picture of Jack smiling outside was not as easy as it sounds.  The Christmas card photo shoot took place over 2 days, with 100's of pictures taken by mommy.  It was the same routine....mommy would snap away while daddy did silly sounds and faces to make Jack smile. Any of the neighbors that happened to be watching must have thought we were nuts! On the first day, we could not beg a smile out of Jack until the very end.  He was so much more interested in the grass, leaves, chirping birds, or passing cars to pay any attention to mommy and daddy.  On day two, we had a little more luck! We found it impossible to get a picture capturing the true Jack smile and him looking right at the camera.  It was a tricky and comical ordeal! Below are a few of the best photos we took.  

Our First Thanksgiving

We had a great first Thanksgiving together as a family of 3.  We drove down to Aunt Kathy's on the Cape for a Thanksgiving feast.  It was a mild Fall day, and Jack enjoyed the day spending time with family and playing with his cousins! 
happy boy!

The Conetta's first Thanksgiving! 

Jack and Mommy enjoying some fresh air

Grandpa loves his Jack!

This year was the first time we went to the Plymouth Thanksgiving parade.  It was a chilly day, and we weren't quite sure how long Jack would last, but we bundled him up in the stroller and set off to the parade.  He did awesome through the whole thing, including the guns and marching bands.  Hopefully, next year will go just as smoothly! 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lots of Playmates

Three boys and a little lady! Jack and Maddie are 6 months and Alex is 5 months

The next generation of SHHS friends!

Three best friends and three future best buddies! We all feel so lucky to have each other and have our babies so close in age.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Jack is 6 Months!

My little man is half a year old!  I thought time flew before I had a baby, but since we have had Jack, it seems to be flying by even faster.  These days, the work week is long, and we live for the weekends.  However, always wishing for weekends has made the months whiz by.  
Jack is at such a fun age.  He loves to play and interact, and likes to smile and laugh at mommy and daddy.  He has been working on sitting up unsupported, and seems to get better at this each day! Jack loves to play with toys on the floor, and often rolls from side to side.  He has not yet figured out  that he can roll to get somewhere, so once he does, I know he will keep us on our toes! Daddy and mommy weighed Jack at home, and we think he is about 16 lbs 10oz, and 26 1/2 inches long.  We will get more accurate measurements when we see Dr. Hjort on Friday.  

Hurricane Sandy

We were so lucky to have braved Hurricane Sandy with no complications! Mommy got to have 2 days off from school so I had a nice 4 day weekend with Jack.  Daddy had Monday off too, so we spent the days at home, watching the wind and rain and keeping our fingers crossed for the power to stay on.  On Tuesday, Laura, Ava, Sofia and Alex came over for a play date.  

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sweet Adeline Turns One!

Addie turned one on October 21st and we celebrated her birthday on Saturday! It was a beautiful fall day, and Jack enjoyed spending time with his cousins! 
Here is Addie and I one year ago when I met her for the first time! She was so tiny and precious.

Happy little ladybug!
