Monday, December 31, 2012

Little Man Turns 7 months

Jack turned 7 months on December 3rd! We celebrated his 7 month birthday by decorating our house for Christmas.  Daddy and Jack got on the scale together, and Jack was 17 lbs 8 oz and was 26 1/4 inches long.  He enjoys playing on his blanket with toys, and laughing at mommy and daddy! Mommy is thankful that Jack is not crawling yet, and he still does not have any teeth.  

Jack is getting "selective" about eating food.  Some days he is interested in eating, while other days he refuses to eat.  He much more prefers fruits of any type to veggies.  From the start, he liked all foods except peas, which he gagged and choked on from the first encounter.  Lately, he has also been gagging on other veggies.  Below is a video of him gagging over green beans.

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