Monday, August 13, 2012

Jack's Baptism August 5th, 2012

We had a wonderful baptism day! Jack was such a good boy in the church.   He slept for most of the service, and he was all smiles as the priest was pouring the water over his head.  The only time there were some tears was when the congregation clapped in the end to welcome the new members into the church.  Jack got startled, and began to cry.  We had a gathering back at my parents house after.  We were so grateful to have it there, since it is the best setting for hosting a party.  It was such a hot and humid day, so it was a bonus that they have central air at their house.  Overall, it was such a nice and memorable day for both Jason and I, and we felt very blessed to be surrounded by so many family members! 
Getting ready for my big day!

my bonnet is a little too big

In the Christening gown and bonnet that Nonna made.

Before the church! Jack looks so big in this picture!

With Aunt Abby, Uncle Matt, and Father Bill

Jack and his Godparents

Uncle Nick

All the ladies love Jack!

Nana's sweet boy

Uncle Jake

Such a sweet smile during the baptism

love this face :)

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