Sunday, February 24, 2013

Jack Turns 8 and 9 Months

I have been slacking in updating the blog lately.  Below are  combined 8 and 9 month pictures:

8 months 
26 inches long
17lbs 8oz (A solid 10 lbs more then Jack was when he was born at 7lbs 8 oz)

Baby, it's cold outside.......

9 months 

Jack turned 9 months on February 3rd.  He is turning into quite the little ham! You will see in the pictures that Trouble and the blue dog are no longer used as props, but now get whipped all around.  At Jack's 9 month appointment with
Dr. Hjort, Jack weighed 18lbs and was 28 inches long.  Doctor Hjort gave us the ok to feed Jack table food.  So far, it has been quite the adventure.  Jack has NOT enjoyed any of the choices we have given him.  He will either take the food and throw it off the tray, or will gag like crazy.  This boy has a STRONG gag reflux, and often he up vomiting any new foods he does not like.  He keeps mommy and daddy on their toes during dinnertime!

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