Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jack's First July 4th

July 4th was not Jack's best holiday this year.  After getting his shots the day before, he spent most of the day not feeling too great.  Lack of sleep, high heat, and being passed around all day made for a very cranky boy! Here are some highlights from the day:
Nonna is in love with Jack 
This is the first time Papa feels comfortable holding Jack! 

Proud Papa!

The Conettas

Jack is happy to be hanging with his Uncles

Love this picture of the Uncles looking at Jack!

First cousins picture!!! 

These 3 are going to give us a run for our money! 

Grammy, Grandpa, and Jack

Grammy loves her grandchildren!

Something was wrong with our camera setting but these some of our first family photos.

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