Monday, July 16, 2012

Week of July 9th to July 15th

The next generation of Saint A's friends... Owen, J.J., and Jack.  It's so great that Katie, Maria, and I all had baby boys within 6 months of each other.  We hope these boys will be as good of friends as we are! These boys are going to be trouble! 

Jack and his best buddy Alex hanging at Plymouth Beach

Peacefully snoozing side by side.  Not sure how much longer they are going to do this :)

Sleepy guy after a night of hanging out with cousin Addie
 I love these next few pictures! Literally overnight, Jack transformed into a very smiley baby! He used to give us an occasional smile, and now has so many precious toothless smiles for mommy and daddy! It's amazing how much such a itty bitty smile can melt my heart! 
Jack thinks daddy is hilarious! 

snoozing on a hot beach day...

Being nosey in my BUMBO

Mr. Crabby Pants!

Daddy loves to give me a mohawk
 Today was the first day we sat Jack in his BUMBO seat and he LOVES it! He was cracking up watching daddy be silly, so mommy was able to capture some smiles.  Jack enjoys sitting in his BUMBO and curiously looking around the room.  He now sits in it at the dinner table while mommy and daddy eat.

Daddy doing my hair after my bath!

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