Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week of September 24th to September 30th

Jack met Gianna Spano on Saturday! He is about 3 months older than her, and it is amazing to see how much bigger he is.  At one point, Jack was trying to hold her hand and grab her face.  Poor Gianna was not amused! 

Jack just adores his daddy! Everything dad says or does is hilarious in Jack's opinion!

Photo shoot on a rainy Sunday!

Jack's girlfriend Maddie came over for a playdate today! They were so cute together, and were really interested in grabbing at each other.  It's so fun to watch these little ones grow together since they are only 10 hours apart! It's always so awesome to chat with Courtney too! Jack and I were lucky enough to see Court and Maddie quite a bit this summer, so we were missing them! 

Hair Cut...Part 2

Daddy had to "fix" Jacks hair so we were back at it again with the scissors.  Daddy evened out the back, and took some more off the top! Check out the daddy concentrating on the task!

Apple Picking....or Bin Picking...

Last Sunday our family went apple picking on a beautiful fall day!  It was the first "fall activity" that we have done as a family, and we were excited to pick some delicious apples.  Well......after buying a bag to pick apples into, we wandered the orchard with our eyes up in the trees looking for apples to pick.  We could not find ANY...not even pick! It was actually comical to look around and see many other families wandering the orchard with the same puzzled look on their faces.  The staff told us that on the way out, we should fill our bag with the apples in the bin to "get our money's worth."  After an hour of wandering, we took some pictures, and then gave up on the quest.  Although we were very disappointed with the lack of apples, we enjoyed spending time together as a family! Jack was not in his best mood while we were trying to take pictures, and we had to beg him for a little smile. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week of September 10th to September 16th

It's been rice cereal every day for a week, and this little man is still smiling! He actually is starting to like the stuff, and has learned how to open his mouth and eat from the spoon.  

 It's slightly amazing to say that Jack got his first haircut this weekend, at the age of 4 1/2 months. We put Jack in his BUMBO, and Daddy snipped away.  At one point in the haircut, both Mommy and Jack were crying.  Jack was because he was ready to be done, and mommy was crying because of all the hair daddy cut off :( .

Week of September 3rd to September 9th

This was a big week for Jack! 

He turned 4 months on September 3rd, 2012

We had a great 4 month checkup with Dr. Hjort! Jack weighed 13.35 lbs and was 25 1/4 inches long.  Dr. Hjort gave us the ok to start rice cereal and other foods this week.  He is getting to be such a big guy! 
Waiting for Dr. Hjort on the table with the crinkle paper.

Hanging with daddy

Happy boy....before the shots :( 

 Dr. Hjort also gave us the green light to put Jack in his high chair and his jumperoo.  We set both up on Sunday! Jack loved his jumperoo,although he is still a little peanut in it! 

Kristen had the Saint A's crew over for brunch on Sunday.  Here is Jack with his future best buddies!

These boys are going to be triple trouble! It's neat that they will all be in the same grade in school! 

Jack was all smiles for his first feeding of rice cereal! He loved being in his new high chair too! Jack wasn't so sure that he liked the cereal however.  There was a lot of gaging and spitting but between each bite, there were lots of smiles!!