Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week of September 3rd to September 9th

This was a big week for Jack! 

He turned 4 months on September 3rd, 2012

We had a great 4 month checkup with Dr. Hjort! Jack weighed 13.35 lbs and was 25 1/4 inches long.  Dr. Hjort gave us the ok to start rice cereal and other foods this week.  He is getting to be such a big guy! 
Waiting for Dr. Hjort on the table with the crinkle paper.

Hanging with daddy

Happy boy....before the shots :( 

 Dr. Hjort also gave us the green light to put Jack in his high chair and his jumperoo.  We set both up on Sunday! Jack loved his jumperoo,although he is still a little peanut in it! 

Kristen had the Saint A's crew over for brunch on Sunday.  Here is Jack with his future best buddies!

These boys are going to be triple trouble! It's neat that they will all be in the same grade in school! 

Jack was all smiles for his first feeding of rice cereal! He loved being in his new high chair too! Jack wasn't so sure that he liked the cereal however.  There was a lot of gaging and spitting but between each bite, there were lots of smiles!! 

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