Sunday, September 30, 2012

Apple Picking....or Bin Picking...

Last Sunday our family went apple picking on a beautiful fall day!  It was the first "fall activity" that we have done as a family, and we were excited to pick some delicious apples.  Well......after buying a bag to pick apples into, we wandered the orchard with our eyes up in the trees looking for apples to pick.  We could not find ANY...not even pick! It was actually comical to look around and see many other families wandering the orchard with the same puzzled look on their faces.  The staff told us that on the way out, we should fill our bag with the apples in the bin to "get our money's worth."  After an hour of wandering, we took some pictures, and then gave up on the quest.  Although we were very disappointed with the lack of apples, we enjoyed spending time together as a family! Jack was not in his best mood while we were trying to take pictures, and we had to beg him for a little smile. 

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