Tuesday, July 30, 2013

He's on the Move.......

Jack really started walking on July 20th!!! For about 2 months prior, he loved to walk holding on, or would go from walking a few steps to crawling.  Finally, he has started to take off, and many can he move fast! There have been SO many falls and injuries, and Mommy can not keep up! 

This was a video from Jack's first time being let down in a store.  Watch out world.....he comes trouble!

First walk in the mall after getting his first pair of shoes

Now Jack loves to walk up and down the beach! 

There were some other really great videos of walking moments, but for some reason, this blog is giving me a terrible time with posting them! 

Sweet Summertime

July has been an awesome month for us! Jack and mommy have gotten to spend each day together and it has been so wonderful for us.  We have spent most of our days going to the beach, playing at the playground, or having play dates with friends.  Time is flying, but mommy is loving every minute of it! 

First day at the beach 2013.  There was a lot of whining and crying and mommy and daddy were worried since beach time is our favorite thing to do in the summer.  We came back the next day, and it was sooooo much better! 

A little beach chair just for Jack

Daddy and Jack and Nana and Papa's pool! 

Watching a concert on the waterfront

loves to sit in mommy's chair! 

Jack loves his water table!! 

He's not sure about the swings this summer :(

Jack was so exhausted during lunch this day that he fell asleep mid chew of his pizza

Cousins love to play! 

First day at the point for the Conetta Family! 

Jack loves hanging in his wagon with Daddy

Jack and Maddie love to play together!! 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Family Trip to Albany 6-28 to 6-30

Mommy's last day of school was LATE this year.  I got out on June 27th, and Friday June 28th, we headed off to Albany for 2 nights.  We visited Aunt Jo and Uncle Ron, and Nana and Pop were up from Florida.  Jack also got to meet his cousins Ben and Liz! We had a great weekend spending time together and sharing a lot of laughs.  Jack was on his best behavior, and spent much of his time walking around Aunt Jo and Uncle Ron's living room.  It was awesome to watch, and exciting to know that walking is just around the corner for Jack! 
We had a naked boy in the pool! 

Jack decided he was going to try out walking while we were at Aunt Jo and Uncle Ron's.

Jack and Nana were able to share a special moment!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Jack's First Year Video

Mommy created this video to celebrate Jack's first year.  Not sure if 24 minutes can capture a whole year, but it has been a true blessing to watch this little baby grow!

Jack Turns One!!!

There was mixed emotion leading up to Jack's first birthday, and both tears and smiles came from this mommy.  On one hand, I was so blessed and happy to have a growing, healthy one year old.  But on the other hand, I experienced this year 1st hand how time really does fly.  It feels like yesterday we were bring our brand new baby home from the hospital, and then we blinked and our little baby had grown a whole year.  It was a true blessing to watch this little man grow each day!!!

We visited Dr. Hjort on Jack's birthday for his one year check up.  Jack had a great visit, and Dr. Hjort spent time examining Jack and answering all of mommy's questions.  Jack was 19.6 lbs and 29.5 inches tall.  

Since Jack was such a good boy at the doctor's, we stopped on the way home to get him a cupcake to celebrate his birthday.  We also wanted to do a "practice run" for Jack with his birthday smash cake, since his big party was the next day.  Mommy and Daddy sang happy birthday, and we geared up for the big cupcake eating event.  It was pretty disappointing! Jack really wanted nothing to do with the cupcake, and was happy to get it off his tray.  Oh well, better luck tomorrow! 

We threw Jack a first birthday party, and had 60 people in our small house.....it was crazy!! We feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family in our lives that love our little guy so much.  With the craziness of the party, one of our biggest regrets is that we have very limited pictures of the party.  Mommy and Daddy were so busy that we didn't take time for the three of us to take any pictures.  It was a special day for all of us!

I made this banner of Jack's monthly pictures from birth until month 12

Our party had an ocean theme.  Jack's cake was delicious! 

Jack's smash cake

Jack and Nonna

Look at all this presents for this lucky boy! 

another banner I made

Jack loves his new walking puppy! 

Worst Blogger Ever!

With life flying by, I realize that it has been months since I updated this blog.  I had all intentions of keeping it up to date, but it seems as if the more time and events that have gone by, the harder it has been to write about them.  My hope is that this summer, I am able to update our life through this blog :)