Sunday, July 28, 2013

Family Trip to Albany 6-28 to 6-30

Mommy's last day of school was LATE this year.  I got out on June 27th, and Friday June 28th, we headed off to Albany for 2 nights.  We visited Aunt Jo and Uncle Ron, and Nana and Pop were up from Florida.  Jack also got to meet his cousins Ben and Liz! We had a great weekend spending time together and sharing a lot of laughs.  Jack was on his best behavior, and spent much of his time walking around Aunt Jo and Uncle Ron's living room.  It was awesome to watch, and exciting to know that walking is just around the corner for Jack! 
We had a naked boy in the pool! 

Jack decided he was going to try out walking while we were at Aunt Jo and Uncle Ron's.

Jack and Nana were able to share a special moment!

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