Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sweet Summertime

July has been an awesome month for us! Jack and mommy have gotten to spend each day together and it has been so wonderful for us.  We have spent most of our days going to the beach, playing at the playground, or having play dates with friends.  Time is flying, but mommy is loving every minute of it! 

First day at the beach 2013.  There was a lot of whining and crying and mommy and daddy were worried since beach time is our favorite thing to do in the summer.  We came back the next day, and it was sooooo much better! 

A little beach chair just for Jack

Daddy and Jack and Nana and Papa's pool! 

Watching a concert on the waterfront

loves to sit in mommy's chair! 

Jack loves his water table!! 

He's not sure about the swings this summer :(

Jack was so exhausted during lunch this day that he fell asleep mid chew of his pizza

Cousins love to play! 

First day at the point for the Conetta Family! 

Jack loves hanging in his wagon with Daddy

Jack and Maddie love to play together!! 

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