Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jack's Home Two Months Ago

Can't believe that two months ago that this is where my life was! Still amazing that my little man was once in my belly!

My belly week 40...Last belly pic before Jack was born! 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Week of June 18th to June 24th

This was a busy week for Jack! He rolled over for daddy on his play-mat on Thursday, June 21st.  He was on his tummy and flipped to his back.  He has done it a few times this week, and it usually happens when he is frustrated.  When he flips, mommy and daddy scream "yeah" and then Jack gets startled and starts to cry.  We are trying to capture this adorable moment on video so stay tuned! 
Jack has continued to smile more this week.  We have enjoyed watching him try to chat with us and kicking his feet in excitement.

Almost got a smile...

Still trying to capture that adorable smile on camera!

Loves to snooze on mommy
 Jack Loves the Beach!!
Mommy and Daddy took Jack to the beach for the first time this week.  The first trip was very successful!  Jack took a little snooze under his tent.  He was sleeping peacefully until daddy "gently" swatted a bug off his face, and that was the end of his nap time.  He did enjoy laying on his towel and looking around.  Jack was such a good boy that we attempted the beach a second time over the weekend, and his "behavior" was even better!  He slept for most of the time under his tent and mommy and daddy were even able to relax in the sun for a bit.  It was such a nice family day!!
First day at the beach 

Nap time in my is good :)

Sleeping peacefully

My little man is looking rather chunky this week! 

Go Red Sox! 

Jack's new favorite way to fall asleep this week is sideways on daddy's lap facing him.  He will be fussing away, but once he gets into this position, he is off to dreamland.  It doesn't look cozy to me, but Jack seems to love it! 

Monday, June 18, 2012

I'm 6 weeks old already!

I can not believe that Jack is already 6 weeks old! He is changing so much each day, and becoming more interactive.  Jack enjoys being held and snuggled by mommy and daddy.  He is also starting to "talk back" when talked to, especially in the morning.  He is a sweet baby, but does have a bit of a temper when he is tired or wants to be fed.  

trying to smile

my legs are starting to get chunky

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week of June 4th to June 10th

Daddy captured one of Jack's first smiles! 
Nana and Jack wearing matching green outfits

Jack does not look amused...

First nap in my crib...only lasted 5 minutes but that's a start! 

Snoozing on mommy...look at that priceless face! 

Uncle Nick's graduation party at Nana and Papa's house in Plymouth.  Here are four generations of Conettas! 

 I loved the lighting and faces of my little man during this photo shoot.  You will see Jack trying to smile in some of them :)

Jack and mommy went to visit mommy's first grade class on June 6th.  The children were so excited to meet Jack.  Jack was not as excited, as he spent most of the visit fussing.  The kids sang Jack some of their Arbor Day concert songs, which kept him quiet and content (for a few moments)! 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Week of May 28th to June 3rd

Ready to cheer on my favorite team...thanks Uncle Nick!

Some words of encouragement for my daddy on the day of his job interview! 

Jack and Madelyn's first "unofficial" date.  Jack was not very exciting for poor Miss Maddie,
as he slept while she played next to him.  

Jack and Sofia
I can not believe our little man is one month old already! We have loved watching him grow and change each day, but wish time would slow down a bit... 

We were lucky to have a visit from Nana and Pop this week.  They came all the way from Florida to meet Jack and spend time with the three of us.  Jack loved spending time with his great grandparents,  and it was so special to watch the interaction between them.

Love These Piggies!

There is something so adorable about this tiny feet!