Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ready or Not....It's time baby Conetta!!

My original due date was April 24th, 2012.  That day came and went, and after no sign of going into labor, I was scheduled to be induced on the night of May 1st.  I kept hoping to go into labor on my own, but baby Conetta had other hopes! We got a call that day to arrive at the hospital at 5:30pm to start the induction process.  Jason and I stopped for our "last supper" at Bertucci's for a pizza.  The ride was emotional, realizing it was our last one "just the two of us". 

Here I am the night of May 1st, hooked up to the baby heart rate monitor.  I remember being so nervous, not having any idea what the next few days would bring.  

After 36 LONG hours of induction and labor, our precious baby boy was born at 
8:16am on Thursday, May 3rd, 2012! He was well worth the wait! 
first few minutes of life...absolutely priceless! 

Getting his temperature taken

He was the perfect size at 7lbs 8oz!

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