Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week of June 4th to June 10th

Daddy captured one of Jack's first smiles! 
Nana and Jack wearing matching green outfits

Jack does not look amused...

First nap in my crib...only lasted 5 minutes but that's a start! 

Snoozing on mommy...look at that priceless face! 

Uncle Nick's graduation party at Nana and Papa's house in Plymouth.  Here are four generations of Conettas! 

 I loved the lighting and faces of my little man during this photo shoot.  You will see Jack trying to smile in some of them :)

Jack and mommy went to visit mommy's first grade class on June 6th.  The children were so excited to meet Jack.  Jack was not as excited, as he spent most of the visit fussing.  The kids sang Jack some of their Arbor Day concert songs, which kept him quiet and content (for a few moments)! 

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