Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Here Comes Trouble!

 We should have known Jack was going to be a hand-full from even before his birth.  He earned the nick name "trouble" after keeping the nurses on their toes with his constant dipping heart rate throughout mommy's labor.  After Jack was born, he spent 4 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at South Shore Hospital.  After birth, he had dangerously low blood sugar and needed to be on an IV of sugar water until his body was able to regulate his sugar on it's own.  It was tough for mommy and daddy to see him in the NICU, hooked up to an IV and the monitors.  We feel so blessed for the amazing care he received while he was there.

Poor little man with his sugar IV 

Mommy is worried but loving the snuggle time! 

This little guy loved to snooze

Precious face! 
Daddy was a pro at diaper changes and giving Jack his bottle.

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